EPISODE 5 – Conflicting causes


Scene 1:

[The camera pans Earth. The camera zooms through the atmosphere to Orb, and to the city of Orbus, still under construction. The camera pans the reconstruction, and then zooms to a large building standing tall, and glistening in the sunlight. The camera shows Cagalli, standing at a large window near to the top of the building. The camera zooms to her, first showing only her, with her hand against the glass, looking sad. Then the camera zooms past her, and shows the heads of the two new GUNDAM mobile suits, the improved STRIKE CRIMSON and SOLARIS GUNDAM. Zoom back to Cagalli. A shadow shows behind her.]

Simmons: Lady Athha?

[Cagalli startles slightly, then turns around.]

Cagalli: What is it?

Simmons: Oh nothing really. You just were staring out so absently, that I was curious to know what you thought about.

Cagalli: [a little annoyed] Nothing really.

Simmons: [smiles understandingly] You miss Athrun that bad?

[Cagalli does not answer, just turns back to the window.]

Simmons: Oh well. [shrugs and walks away]

Cagalli: [as Simmons’ reflection in the window disappears, then to herself] I miss Athrun… and Kira, too. Maybe they’re right when they say that I am too young for this all. I’m just tired of all the responsibility. [a tear forms in her eye, now speaking out loud] What am I doing, wallowing in self-pity? [straightens up] After all, I am Cagalli Yula Athha, the daughter of Uzumi Nara Athha! I will make my father proud!

[Cagalli looks out the window, and the ghostly image of his father’s face is seen over the city.]

[The camera is now in PLANT, following Athrun through the corridors of the UPA building. He walks with a brisk walk. He salutes a few officers he walks by, and walks into a conference room. There are other UPA people there, most older than Athrun. Lunamaria is present there as well. They salute each other.]

Athrun: I came as soon as I heard.

Officer: The EDF chairman is calling in five minutes or so. We have no idea what he wants.

Lunamaria: Damn arrogance… They call us out of the blue with a request of a serious discussion of UPA issues, and are not even telling us what it is about.

Athrun: We will find out soon enough. [sits down at the end of the table]

Officer: Will Lady Clyne join us today?

[Athrun shakes his head, and the officers shoulders sag.]

Officer: [quietly] We could really use her spirit…

Athrun: [to himself] I doubt her spirit would help us right now… [to the others] I hope she will be able to join us shortly. Anyway, what is the situation on the RANGER?

Lunamaria: Vries? No word. We’ve sent the return command twice now.

Athrun: [with a concerned face] Keep trying. I want that man out of our space as soon as we can. Oh yeah, and has major Elthmann called in yet?

Lunamaria: Not yet, but he should be in distance shortly, if his schedule holds.

[Athrun nods, and turns his face to the screen. The screen shows a signal graphically being transmitted from Earth to the PLANT colonies. Then the words CONNECTION ESTABLISHED flash on the screen. An officer looks at Athrun, and he nods approvingly. The screen flashes again and now shows a close-up on an old man in the EDF uniform.]

Athrun: General Sanders. We are here, as you requested. How can we help?

Sanders: [in a serious tone] Colonel Zala. Gentlemen. I am speaking from the main council of the EDF. I have my closest advisors here only.

[Athrun’s face tightens; this probably means trouble.]

Sanders: I have heard that our vessel submitted to the UPA, the RANGER has been ordered to return to base for questioning. May I ask why are you recalling the Natural ship to port, even though our treaty stipulates that space will be jointly patrolled by Naturals and Coordinators under UPA mandate?

Athrun: We are recalling captain Vries, and him being the captain, we are recalling the entire ship.

Sanders: Why?

Athrun: Because space is dangerous, general. It will be safer for him to come to port with his crew. Escorted, even.

Sanders: [surprised] Escorted? What is this?

Athrun: General, captain Vries is accused of utilizing excessive force in patrol, and using it specifically on civilian Coordinators.

Sanders: [eyes narrow] Do you have evidence of this?

Athrun: We have the transmitted video-footage from the colony of BEOWULFE. I’m transmitting to you now.

[The screen shows Sanders turning to a screen to his side. His face lights up as the screen shows the footage. (flashback: the mobile suits of Vries’ ship wrecking havoc in BEOWULFE) The general looks at it very seriously, and as it ends, turns back to the main screen.]

Sanders: I see. I need to go consult with my advisors. Excuse me for a second.

[Athrun and the other officers look at each other in disbelief. What is there to consult about? Sanders’ face returns to the screen.]

Sanders: This is serious evidence. What do you intend to do with captain Vries?

Athrun: We will strip him of his rank, assign a temporary captain on his vessel, and conduct an investigation. If the investigation finds him guilty, there will be a trial. Rather standard procedure.

Sanders: [grins slightly] Well, then we’re going to have two large scale trials with high-ranking UPA officers as the defendants.

Athrun: [surprised] Eh?

Sanders: I am of course referring to captain Jule. I expect his ship has also been recalled?

Athrun: [gnashes his teeth covertly] Yes. He will also stand trial.

Sanders: Excellent. Justice, colonel.

Lunamaria: It will be up to you to make it a fair trial, general. Both Vries and Jule will be in your custody!

Sanders: [turns to her on the screen] But of course. This is one of the tests UPA must endure to keep its legitimacy as a non-partisan peacekeeper. We must show that not even its own officers are beyond the arm of the law, right colonel? [stressing colonel, emphasizing he is addressing Athrun]

Athrun: Yes. The law set by the treaty excludes no one.

Sanders: So are in an agreement. I wanted to clear this issue up before the summit.

Athrun: General, if I may ask you, will the EDF again raise the question of mobile suits?

Sanders: That issue is handled by my assistant, general Abertes. I will let him talk to you, if you wish.

[General Sanders leaves the screen. For a moment there is no one, then the face of general Abertes fills the screen. He is the general who was leading the conspiracy previously. He flashes a friendly smile.]

Abertes: Colonel Zala. A pleasure. You wanted to discuss mobile suits?

Athrun: I do not, but I assume you will.

Abertes: Indeed. But honestly, I see no point. The treaty was very specific on this, and I have to agree that it would lead to another race of armaments.

[Athrun is honestly surprised.]

Athrun: You will not ask for a permission to manufacture mobile suits?

Abertes: I will ask it, but I don’t expect you to allow it. I will do it only because we have many officers who believe the issue should be pushed. [smiles] I don’t. We can make do with ships and mobile armors very well.

Athrun: That is nice to hear, especially from a man of your rank, general.

Abertes: Well we expect the ban of specialized suits to stay, limiting their number to four, and that you will provide us with a list of your series models and their tech specs for inspection as stipulated in the treaty.

Athrun: [slightly worried] Very well. We will discuss this in greater detail at the summit. Is that all?

Abertes: That is all for me, colonel. Have a nice day.

Athrun: Good bye, general.

[The transmission is ended, and the officer turns to Athrun.]

Lunamaria: [annoyed] Are we really going to hand in captain Jule? He will never receive a fair trial! And I expect Vries will get off with a problem!

Officer#2: Hey, people, settle down, have some faith in the judicial system.

Lunamaria: Faith? It is controlled by Naturals!

Officer: I concur! Why did we have to give it to them, and now this too?

Athrun: [stand up, voice authoritative] Because that is the treaty we signed. And we’re going to stick with it. It divided the powers, so everyone would have power in the process. We need to confront our past, so we can establish a stable future. That is why I see no option to the trial.

[Officers are silent for a while,even Lunamaria, then one speaks.]

Officer: Can we withdraw both of the ships from patrol?

Athrun: No. Vries’ ship is more important. Yzak at least doesn’t fly around killing civilians.

Lunamaria Should we send an escort out for Vries?

Athrun: No, Vries may interpret that as a challenge. Keep the ARCHANGEL on its patrol around Earth. [to another officer] Get me a line to Orbus. I want to speak with Cagalli Athha as soon as possible. Rest of you, dismissed.

Officer: Aye sir.

[General shuffling around, officers get up, and leave the room. Athrun remains standing.]

Athrun: [to himself] Sorry, Dearka. I sent you on a futile mission. I’m afraid I can’t help Yzak now. [his head sags] I am just so tired of this responsibility. Maybe… Maybe I should’ve just disappeared, like Kira.

[Fade out with Athrun leaning on the table, looking exhausted.]


Scene 2:

[The space stretches in front of the camera. The camera zooms to an asteroid. It is huge. Then a ZAFT mobile suit flies inside it, from the cover of other asteroids. The mobile suit flies to a camouflaged airlock, and flies in. Inside there are ships, a few large battleships, and lots of mobile suits. It is headquarters of the rogue ZAFT forces, the Hammer of ZAFT. Many mobile suits are under repair. The mobile suit lands, and assumes its position. The camera then shows a control room over the hangar. There is a bald man in the room in a ZAFT officer’s uniform, with some extra gilding, and a golden shield with a hammer on it embroidered on his sleeve. He looks at the hangar, and then turns around. There are ten other officers in the room with different ranks, but all look like veterans with according medals and marks.]

Man: Well gentlemen. It seems that your attempt to kill Yzak Jule failed.

Officer: General LeCavalier, it was only because of the new GUNDAM suit that appeared out of nowhere. It was amazingly bad luck. The DARK STAR ammunition worked perfectly, and disabled a GUNDAM mobile suit!

LeCavalier: I agree that the experiment was a success as such, but you’re lucky they didn’t get any of the substance for analysis. You are removed from the research department. From now on, professor Kildare works directly under me.

Officer: [head drooping] Yes sir.

LeCavalier: Although we have these asteroid fortresses, there are nothing compared to the glory of Yakin Due. We are in dire need of spare parts, especially that the research department has squandered so many suits for nothing! [looks accusingly at the officer]

Officer: [shrinking in his chair] But sir, it is so difficult to construct a suit of that type, of hulls of our basic suits just can’t handle that pressure. As I’ve said before, we need a GUNDAM suit to complete the project.

LeCavalier: Project… PHOENIX. Like the bird of mythical Earthen Egypt, we will rise again. ZAFT has been burned to ashes by the war, and now the Naturals piss on those ashes! But little do they know that the Phoenix doesn’t die; it is reborn from fire and its own ashes, and attack anew. [a pause] Where is Kildare’s ship now?

Officer: Even I don’t know. Our only ship with a working Mirage Colloid system is our only hope for keeping our secret research going. Kildare contacts us, if she needs something, like usual.

LeCavalier: Very well. Well, gentlemen, our luck seems to have turned a little. I have heard a communication from the UPA headquarters to captain Vries. He is to be recalled.

Officer: What? The UPA is actually going to recall him and charge him for BEOWULFE?

LeCavalier: I wouldn’t be too hopeful. After all, if he does get prosecuted, it will done in the courts of Earth. And I expect them to free him. [grins] It would act as a huge propaganda victory for us, we could gather more support and thus more resources from additional outer colonies.

[Again officers nod their heads and murmur in agreement.]

LeCavalier: But I am worried about the activities going on in Earth and Orb. UPA is somewhat more predictable, with the traitorous son of Patrick Zala leading them.

Officer: Well, Lazarr has unofficially informed our contact people that he has pushed Zara to take the Naturals more seriously. He also advocated again that we would open negotiations.

LeCavalier: [snorts] Yes and go to trial. This peace is a mockery, because we were forced into it by guns. We were shocked by the destruction so close to our homes again, that we forgot to maintain our sovereignty. And our new leaders sold us to UPA. For peace, as if we couldn’t provide it ourselves! [voice rising] Instead they crippled us, and sought the protection of the UPA. Now we are the real free people of ZAFT. And it is our duty to liberate our people once again [getting into the fervor of a political speech].

Officers: And if the Naturals stand in our way again, we will finish what we started last time!

LeCavalier: Yes. It is foolish to imagine that two so different people could live together. It all comes down to Darwinism, and the survival of the fittest. Being always in fear, waiting for a new war to flare out is useless, and I refuse to accept it!

Officers: As do we! For ZAFT! For ZAFT! The Hammer of ZAFT! The Hammer of ZAFT!

LeCavalier: For our homes and for our dreams! And like the Phoenix, may we rise from the ashes, and destroy our enemies!

[The officers explode into wild cheering. The camera retreats from the meeting, and outside the asteroid, where yet another ZAFT mobile suit flies past.]

[The camera switches to Ramius, sitting on a chair in a dark room, and watching through a window to another room. It is the interrogation of colonel Voltaire. In the other room, which is bright, Kofu and Jerry are trying to get Voltaire to answer their questions. They look sweaty and frustrated, unlike Voltaire, who grins at them every now and then. Ramius has an earpiece, which allows her to hear what happens in the other room. The camera moves through the glass in between to the room where the interrogation is conducted.]

Kofu: I’ve asked this before, and I’ll ask it again, and I’ll keep asking until you tell me! Now, where are all the women and children of Ishtum?!

Voltaire: [sitting, handcuffed, still full of bravado] I don’t know. Maybe they went for a walk.

Kofu: You killed all the men, and then you took the women. Did you kill them too?

Voltaire: Maybe I did and you just haven’t found the bodies yet.

[Kofu’s face distorts with rage, and he is only restrained by Ramius’ voice in his earplug, calming him down.]

Ramius: [electric, in Kofu’s ear only] Breath easy, lieutenant. If you hit him, he will scream his head off in the trial that he was assaulted in our custody. I know you hate this, but we have to do it by the book.

[Kofu’s face twitches a little, and he breathes deeply, trying to control himself. Voltaire smirks openly.]

Voltaire: It seems that my little guardian angel has kept me safe again.

[Voltaire looks directly at the window, at Ramius. Kofu can’t help but to glance the same way, frustrated by Ramius’ presence. He sees in Voltaire everything he hates in Coordinators, and fought against during the war.]

Kofu: [hissing] You don’t even care what happens to innocent civilians. [smacks his hand on some pictures on the table, taken of the corpses piled in the building in Ishtum]

Voltaire: Oh but I do care. Especially if they are my ticket out of this cell.

[Both Kofu and Ramius are taken aback, Jerry gnashes his teeth enraged.]

Jerry: You bastard! You think we will trade you away for them!?

Voltaire: [feigns innocence] Oh? But I thought you kind of had to, when innocent civilians [imitating Kofu’s hissing], as you put it are in danger.

Ramius: [to both men, to their earpieces] He is keeping them as hostages for his own release.

Kofu: [to Voltaire] You’re not going to walk free after what you did.

Voltaire: We’ll see, lieutenant. But this is all hypothetical, of course.

Jerry: But why did you kill the men?

Voltaire: Wasn’t it obvious? They committed suicide.

Jerry: What?!

Voltaire: They were potential resistance fighters. The village had openly aligned with the resistance. It was suicide in my eyes. [grins again]

[Jerry’s shoulders shake in rage, and he storms out of the interrogation room. Kofu barely restrains himself. Ramius speaks to Kofu.]

Ramius: Don’t let him tempt you further. We got what we wanted. Come out.

[As Kofu moves to leave, Voltaire speaks.]

Voltaire: Oh? Leaving already? How boring. Could you do me a favor and introduce me to the fine pilot of the mobile suit you had with you when I was shot down. That Coordinator has some skill. [stressing the word Coordinator]

[Kofu stiffens again, moves to Voltaire, and kicks his chair over. Voltaire, tied to his chair, falls too.]

Voltaire: Umph. Brutality.

Kofu: Your men murdered that brave kid. I don’t want you to smirch his name with the dirty brand of Coordinator!

Ramius: [angrily to Kofu’s ear] Don’t hurt him now! Not now!

Voltaire: Oh, a kid? You use children as soldiers now?

[Kofu gnashes his teeth, and storms out after Jerry, shooting a furious glare at Ramius, even though he can’t actually see her behind the glass. Ramius sighs, and looks at Voltaire, equally angry. After a minute, Voltaire drags himself into a sitting position on his upright chair again, and sets his feet on the table, and looks at the window.]

Voltaire: [focuses on the window, and grins, speaking out loud] Now wasn’t that entertaining?

[Finally also Ramius is fed up with this arrogant Coordinator, and gets up and walks out of the observation room. The camera shows the dark observation room, and then shows Voltaire resting comfortably (at least feigning to do so) in the interrogation room, his feet still on the table. The camera zooms to his face, and he smirks again. Fade out.]

[The camera fades back looking in on Yzak putting on a flight suit in the locker room of the OUTRIDER’s pilots. The rest of the ship is quiet. He puts everything on tip-top, straightens his pilot’s uniform, and then closes his locker. He looks at it for a while, and then takes his name off the door. He sets his face in a determined expression, and takes his helmet and a box of some sort from a bench behind him, tucks both underneath his arm, and walks out. He walks to the hangar of the OUTRIDER, and looks at several mobile suits. The he stares at one for some time. Then he just walks toward it.]

[The scene changes to a man, walking through the reconstruction and debris of Orbus. He is the man previously seen looking at the city. Now he walks slowly, almost unwillingly through the people. He stops, and looks up. His eyes look up, at the top of the high building, inside which the GUNDAMs are held. He looks for a while, then droops his head, pulls his cloak more tightly around him, and walks on.]

[The scene changes to Cagalli, who is sprinting down a corridor. She is still inside the Orb military complex, but apparently now on a lower level again. Her urgency is however marked with a mixture of happy anticipation. Simmons peeks out from a doorway and waves at her.]

Simmons: Over here!

[Cagalli takes the turn running, and plops down on a seat, panting. She stares at the picture of Athrun on the screen. Athrun smiles fondly.]

Athrun: Hey. It’s been a while.

Cagalli: Yeah. [still panting, but smiles] I had to come when I heard you were just going to leave a message.

Athrun: Sorry about that, I didn’t want to disturb.

Cagalli: It’s fine. What’s up?

Athrun: I just really wanted to see you again. And hear your voice.

[In the background Simmons discreetly leaves the room, and the door closes. Cagalli doesn’t even notice.]

Cagalli: Me too.

[Cagalli moves closer to the screen, and brushes her fingers against the image of Athrun’s cheek. The camera moves behind her chair, showing only the hand against the screen, and then fade out.]

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