Archive for October, 2006


Updates and remodelling


New episode listing makes them easier to look through. New Q&As I though of, new mechas/ships also updated, and episodes 5-6 have seen a bit of changes as well. Nothing major, only consistency and useless information. Expect episode seven by the end of the week. I’ve had a week off from writing, so the blog is now catching up to me slowly but surely. Gotta start getting busy again!


Episode 5 online! — AND 6!

I uploaded episode 5. Still of the same, slightly older stuff in the way of writing, the script slowly getting into gear (or so I like to think). I will try to get the sixth online next Wednesday-Thursday, and then compile the .pdf and some more lovely Q&A. The next character description batch will include the stuff in episodes 5-8, so watch out for that.

Edit 26/10: I also uploaded episode 6. Didn’t feel like making an extra post for that. 🙂


Episode 1-4 .pdf now also available




The copyright of this stuff is still mine, no matter what Sunrise thinks. 😉


Gundam Seed Phoenix OVA in .pdf form!


Hello people, here it is. I finally managed to get things working. SO here is the OVA to those who find it easiser to read than scrolling on the screen… which is.. well basically what you do with .pdfs as well. Well, anyhow. Here it is. More coming up!


Fixes and remodelling, viewing


I changed some pages, modified a few posts, made some room to the side and above all corrected a mass of typos my beta reader was kind enough to point out. Thanks go to him, because without his work reading the script would be even harder when plotholes are complemented by crummy writing.

Anyways, I also want to draw your attention to the Charatcer Description -page, (up-right) which has the new characters for the OVA and series both introduced in a bit more detail. Some fellows may be in there early, but there shouldn’t be any spoilers in there anymore. I even threw in some elaboration on the new mechas. They are sketchy, because they’re only inside my head until some kind soul draws them up for me. 😉 So once again, when reading (OVA first), please take advantage of the additional material. 🙂

NOTE: These pages are best viewed with Firefox; IE tends to throw off font size etc. in several cases.

If all goes well, I’ll upload the second episode of the series by the weekend.

Edit 12.10

I am sorry it is taking me so long. I am experiencing infrequent bouts of technical difficulties and/or life, which make uploading stuff very difficult. Plus, Adobe Pagemaker is being a bitch and doesn’t want to convert my .docs into .pdfs without a fight. Stay tuned, and be patient. 🙂